Buryat edition of selected songs of Milarepa (1040–1123)


  • Анна Александровна Туранская St. Petersburg State University, 7-9, Universitetskaya nab., St. Petersburg, 199034, Russian Federation


Milarepa, a mediator and poet, is regarded as a great saint in Tibet, Mongolia and Buryatia. The themes, associated with his biography, have had a profound effect on the development of Tibetan Buddhism. The “standard” version of his biography was compiled by famous Tibetan scholar Tsang Nyon Heruka (tib. Gtsang smyon he ru ka /1452–1507), who presented it in two texts- the life story (tib. rnam thar) and “Collection of songs” (tib. mgur ‘bum). The texts describing deeds and songs of Tibetan yogin were widely spread in Mongolia and Buryatia and had an impact on development of Mongolian medieval literature, especially hagiography and poetry. Several copies of Buryat xylograph “Collection of Stories from the Cycles of Songs of the Reverend Saint Milarepa” are kept in the Institute of Oriental Manuscripts of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The text, containing eight rare stories about the renowned Tibetan yogin, was compiled on the base of two Tibetan texts: “Six vajra songs of Reverend Milarepa and some oral traditions” by Lhatsun Rinchen Namgyal (tib. Lha btsun rin chen rnam rgyal /1473–1557/) and Tsang Nyon Heruka’s “Gurbum”. However the Buryat text appears to be a written variant of oral tradition of Tibetan stories rather than a translation from Tibetan.


Gurbum, Buryat edition, Milarepa


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Ellington T. J. The Mandala of Sound: Concepts and Sound Structures in Tibetan Ritual Music. Ph. D. dissertation. Madison: University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1979. 273 p.

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Getьlgegči milarasba boγda-yin mgur-ud-ača kedьi jьil tegьjь bičigsen orosibai:: («Сборник историй из [собраний] песнопений досточтимого святого Миларэпы»). Бурятский ксилограф // ИВР РАН, Q 653 инв. № 4013. 20 л.

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Aalto P. A Catalogue of the Hedin Collection of Mongolian Literature // Reports from Scientific Expedition to the North-West Provinces of China under the Leadership of Dr. Sven Hedin. Publication 38. Stockholm, 1953. P. 69–108.

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Heissig W. Mongolische Handschriften Blockdrucke Landkarten. Wiesbaden, 1961. 494 s.

Heissig W. Catalogue of Mongol Books, Manuscripts and Xylographs. Copenhagen, 1971. 360 p.

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Getьgegči milarasba-yin tuγuǰi delgerenggьi ilγaγsan ‘bum daγudal kemegdekь orosiba). Бур. Рукопись // Монгольская Государственная Библиотека. № 2574. 376 л.

Gambo’ba-yin namtar: getьlgegči milarasba-yin tuγuǰi delgerenggьi ilγaγsan ‘bu’m daγulal-ača abču bičlen naran metь šabi sg’ambo’ba otoči baγsi-yin namtar:: (Жизнеописание Гампопы. Намтар подобного солнцу ученика [Миларэпы] Гампопы Дагпо из Гурбума, подробно излагающего жизнеописание досточтимого Миларэпы). Рукопись. Монгольская Государственная Библиотека. № 5256/96. 84 с.

Chiudo E. The Mongolian Manuscripts on Birch Bark from Xarbuxyn Balgas oin the Collection of the Mongolian Academy of Sciences. P. 2. Harrowitz Verlag, 2009. 457 p.

Rje btsun mi la ras pa’i rdo rje’i mgur drug sogs gsung rgyun thor bu ba ‘ga’ bzhugs so («Шесть ваджрных песнопений досточтимого Миларэпы и некоторые устные истории [о нем]») // Tibetan Buddhist Resource Center. — Digital Library. URL: www.tbrc.org

Cutillo B. Miraculous Journey. Further stories and Songs of Milarepa, Yogin, Poet, and Teacher of Tibet. Thirty-seven selections from a rare collection: Stories and Songs fron the Oral Tradition of Jetsun Milarepa. LOTSAWA, 1986. 232 p.

Cutillo B. Drinking from the Mountain Stream: Songs of Tibet’s Beloved Saint, Milarepa: eighteen selections from the rare collection: Stories and Songs fron the Oral Tradition of Jetsun Milarepa. Wisdom Publications, 1995. 183 p.

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Ellington T.J. The Mandala of Sound: Concepts and Sound Structures in Tibetan Ritual Music. Ph.D. dissertation. Madison: University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1979. 273 p.

Sazykin A.G. Katalog mongol’skikh rukopisei i ksilografov Instituta vostokovedeniia RAN (Catalogue of Mongolian manuscripts and block-prints of the Institute of Oriental Studies). T.2. Moscow: Vostochnaia literatura, 2001. 415 p.

Čoyiǰilsьrьng. Buriyad modon bar-un nom-un tabun γarčiγ. Studia Mongolica. Vol.I (16). 1959, pp. 3–14.

Klepikov S.A. Filigrani i shtempeli na bumage russkogo i inostrannogo proizvodstva XVII-XX vv. (Watermarks and stamps on paper of the Russian and foreign production XVII-XX centuries) Moscow: Izd-vo Vsesoiuznoi Knizhnoi palaty, 1959. 152 p.

Getьlgegči milarasba boγda-yin mgur-ud-ača kedьi jьil tegьjь bičigsen orosibai:: (Some sections selected from the songs of the reverend saint Milarepa). Buryat xyl., Saint-Petersburg Institute of Oriental Manuscripts, Russian Academy of Science, Q 653, accesson no. 4013, 20 ff.

Rnal ‘byor gyi dbang phyug chen po mi la ras pa’i rnam mgur (Namthar and Gurbum of Milarepa, the great lord of the yogins). Peking, 2005. 846 p.

Aalto P. A Catalogue of the Hedin Collection of Mongolian Literature. Reports from Scientific Expedition to the North-West Provinces of China under the Leadership of Dr. Sven Hedin. Publication 38. Stockholm, 1953, pp. 69–108.

Heissig W. Die Pekinger Lamaistischen Blockfrucke in Mongolischer Sprache. Wiesbaden: Otto Harrassowitz, 1954. 220 S.

Heissig W. Mongolische Handschriften Blockdrucke Landkarten. Wiesbaden: Franz Steiner, 1961. 494 S.

Heissig W. Catalogue of Mongol Books, Manuscripts and Xylographs. Copenhagen: The Royal Library, 1971. 360 p.

Uspensky V.L. Catalogue of the Mongolian Manuscripts and Xylographs in the St. Petersburg State University Library. Tokyo, 2001. 156 p.

Getьgegči milarasba-yin tuγuǰi delgerenggьi ilγaγsan ‘bum daγudal kemegdekь orosiba (The detailed biography of the savior Milarepa called “Gurbum”). Buryat manuscript, Mongolian Nation Library, no. 2574, 376 ff.

Gambo’ba-yin namtar: getьlgegči milarasba-yin tuγuǰi delgerenggьi ilγaγsan ‘bu’m daγulal-ača abču bičlen naran metь šabi sg’ambo’ba otoči baγsi-yin namtar:: (Namthar of Gampopa. The biography of the sun-like disciple [of Milarepa] Gampopa Dagpo from Gurbum, telling in details the biography of the reverend saint Milarepa). Manuscript, Mongolian Nation Library, no. 5256/96, 84 ff.

Chiudo E. The Mongolian Manuscripts on Birch Bark from Xarbuxyn Balgas oin the Collection of the Mongolian Academy of Sciences. P.2. Harrowitz Verlag, 2009. 457 p.

Rje btsun mi la ras pa’i rdo rje’i mgur drug sogs gsung rgyun thor bu ba ‘ga’ bzhugs so (Some miscellaneous oral traditions Including the reverend saint Milarepa's Six Vajra Songs). Tibetan Buddhist Resource Center. — Digital Library. URL: www.tbrc.org

Cutillo B. Miraculous Journey. Further stories and Songs of Milarepa, Yogin, Poet, and Teacher of Tibet. Thirtyseven selections from a rare collection: Stories and Songs fron the Oral Tradition of Jetsun Milarepa. LOTSAWA, 1986. 232 p.

Cutillo B. Drinking from the Mountain Stream: Songs of Tibet’s Beloved Saint, Milarepa: eighteen selections from the rare collection: Stories and Songs fron the Oral Tradition of Jetsun Milarepa. Wisdom Publications, 1995. 183 p.

Clemente M. Colophons as Sources: Historical Information from some Brag dkar rta so xylographies. Rivista di Studi Sudasiatici. 2007, pp. 121–159.



How to Cite

Туранская, А. А. (2018). Buryat edition of selected songs of Milarepa (1040–1123). Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Asian and African Studies, (1), 88–92. Retrieved from https://aasjournal.spbu.ru/article/view/2219



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