Mongolian translation of “The Hundred Thousand Songs” of Milarepa


  • Анна Александровна Туранская St. Petersburg State University, 7-9, Universitetskaya nab., St. Petersburg, 199034, Russian Federation


The “standard” version of biography of Tibetan yogin, a poet and highly esteemed in Tibet and Mongolia saint Milarepa (tib. Milaraspa /1040–1123/) was compiled by famous Tibetan scholar Tsang Nyon Heruka (tib. Gtsang smyon he ru ka /1452–1507/), who divided it into two texts — the life story (tib. Rnam thar) and the “Collection of songs”, also known under short name Gurbum (tib. mgur ‘bum). These texts became widely spread in Mongolia and have had a profound effect on the development of Mongolian literature, primarily Mongolian hagiography and poetry. In 17th century Gurbum was translated by a famous Mongolian translator of many Buddhist texts Shiregetu Gushi Corji (mong. Širegetu gusi čorǰi /XVI–XVII/). Later in 18th century it was edited and xylographically published in Beijing. The Beijing xylograph became widely spread in Mongolia and Buryatia and was used for making numerous manuscript copies. Several copies of Beijing xylograph “Collection of Songs” of the reverend saint Milarepa are kept in the Oriental Section of St. Petersburg State University’s Scientific Library. The article contains a brief review of the text, devoted to the renowned Tibetan yogi.


Gurbum, Milarepa, Mongolian translation


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How to Cite

Туранская, А. А. (2013). Mongolian translation of “The Hundred Thousand Songs” of Milarepa. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Asian and African Studies, (2), 82–88. Retrieved from



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