“These times of ours…”: the creative search of Shu’aibu Makarfi


  • Анастасия Викторовна Ляхович St. Petersburg State University, 7-9, Universitetskaya nab., St. Petersburg, 199034, Russian Federation


The article analyses creative writing of Shu’aibu Makarfi, known as Grandfather of Hausa drama. The works by Makarfi are examined in the context of main trends of early literary process in Northern Nigeria. The article presents an in-depth analysis of the play “Malam Maidala’ilu” in comparison with “Tabarmar kunya” by Adamu Dangoggo. Creative approach to writing successfully developed by Makarfi lied in different spaces. Regarding himself as a teacher he touched upon important social issues inherent to city life. Makarfi was one of those pioneers who got involved into a new form of mass communication, e.g. radio broadcasting, being deeply conservative person he managed to adapt this medium so that it could serve as an arena for social dialogue. Traditionally it was religious literature to cumulate and spread significant moral values.


Hausa, drama, Shu’aibu Makarfi


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Makarfi Sh. Zamanin nan namu. Amana Printing&Advert. Ltd, 2007. 88 p.

Sheme I. Shu’aibu Makarfi — Grandfather of Hausa Drama. 10.01.2008. URL: http://ibrahim-sheme.blogspot.com/2008/01/shuaibu-makarfi-grandfather-of-hausa.html (дата обращения: 01.09.2012).

Makarfi Sh. Malam Maidala’ilu // Zamanin nan namu. Amana Printing & Advert. Ltd, 2007. P. 1–25.


Makarfi Sh. Zamanin nan namu. Amana Printing&Advert. Ltd, 2007. 88 p.

Sheme I. Shu’aibu Makarfi — Grandfather of Hausa Drama. 10.01.2008. URL: http://ibrahim-sheme.blogspot.com/2008/01/shuaibu-makarfi-grandfather-of-hausa.html (accessed: 01.09.2012).

Makarfi Sh. Malam Maidala’ilu. Zamanin nan namu. Amana Printing & Advert. Ltd, 2007, pp.1-25.



How to Cite

Ляхович, А. В. (2013). “These times of ours…”: the creative search of Shu’aibu Makarfi. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Asian and African Studies, (1), 68–73. Retrieved from https://aasjournal.spbu.ru/article/view/2216



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