Turkish Posture Verbs: Horizontal Position Verb yat-


  • Елена Марковна Напольнова Ozyegin University, Istanbul, 34794, Turkey




The semantics of the Turkish verb of horizontal position yat- and its compatibility with the names of different types of objects, as well as how its polysemy developed are investigated in the article. Various instances of lexical compatibility of yat- in action and state meanings are examined. The absence of its function as auxiliary with an aspectual meaning, characteristic for the position verbs in many languages, is explained by comparing it with the verb dur- ‘to be stationary’.


Turkish spatial verbs, Turkish posture verbs, polysemy of posture verbs


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How to Cite

Напольнова, Е. М. (2017). Turkish Posture Verbs: Horizontal Position Verb yat-. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Asian and African Studies, 9(3), 233–245. https://doi.org/10.21638/11701/spbu13.2017.301


