Translation and Publication in the Russian Language of the Contemporary Chinese Prose in 2009–2018


  • Aleksey A. Rodionov St. Petersburg State University, 7–9, Universitetskaya nab., St. Petersburg, 199034, Russian Federation



The paper examines the translation and publication in the Russian language of the contemporary Chinese prose in 2009–2018. On the basis of full database of translations from the last decade the author analyzes the influence of traditional and new factors in the literary interaction of Russia and China, highlights its latest trends. The paper proves that increase of China’s global importance, raise of interest to China in Russia, intensification of China’s efforts to support the promotion of its culture abroad as well as qualitative changes of Chinese literature itself have resulted in a powerful quantitative breakthrough in translations (90 books in 2009–2018 versus 20 books in 1992–2008), acquaintance of Russian audience with the major texts of the most important contemporary writers, e. g. Bi Feiyu, Cao Wenxuan, Liu Zhenyun, Liu Cixin, Mo Yan, Yu Hua, etc., increase in the number of translated novels against short stories, transfer of focus from the literature of the 1980s to the literature of the 21st century, decrease of the lag of the contemporary literature behind the publication of the Chinese classics, increase in the number of translators. The translation of the Chinese literature ceased the connection with the limited range of the scholars; it didn’t always result in some academic research, which led to the deacademization and commercialization of literary translation. However, the volume of translation is quite unstable and the circulations are rather low (2156 copies in average). Up to now, low awareness of the audience about Chinese culture and history, insufficient availability of information on new translations, domination of the Western literature on the book market, rare involvement of the major publishers prevent the wide recognition of the latest Chinese prose in Russia.


Chinese literature, contemporary prose, translation, publication, China, Mo Yan, Liu Cixin, image of Russia, image of China


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How to Cite

Rodionov, A. A. (2020). Translation and Publication in the Russian Language of the Contemporary Chinese Prose in 2009–2018. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Asian and African Studies, 11(4), 398–430.



Russia and Asia