The Maninka grammar tradition in Souleymane Kante’s works. Part 2


  • Артем Витальевич Давыдов St. Petersburg State University, 7-9, Universitetskaya nab., St. Petersburg, 199034, Russian Federation


The article examines a grammar of the Maninka language created by a Guinean self-taught scholar Souleymane Kante. Despite some shortcoming caused by Kante’s isolation from the western linguistics, it gives a comprehensive description of the grammatical structure of Maninka. He was the first scholar to involve the data of suprasegmental phonology to the study of a Manding language.


Mande languages, Maninka language, history of linguistics


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How to Cite

Давыдов, А. В. (2011). The Maninka grammar tradition in Souleymane Kante’s works. Part 2. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Asian and African Studies, (3), 31–41. Retrieved from


