Working migration in the process of urbanization in China after 1978


  • Юлия Юрьевна Погудина St. Petersburg State University, 7-9, Universitetskaya nab., St. Petersburg, 199034, Russian Federation


China is experiencing the most extensive internal migration today. The so-called floating population, i.e. people who are not permanently registered in their current place of residence, reached 140 million, most of them rural labourers moving from the countryside to cities and coastal areas. Internal migration in China is characterized by two important features: first, most migrants left their farmlands for urban areas and for non-agricultural activities; second, such labour flows are basically directed from the interior to coastal areas, or from central and western regions to eastern areas. These two features overlap, and are closely interrelated with the macro socio-economic structure. Such internal rural labour migration and related issues have become one of most significant research and policy concerns in China in recent years. Even though China has experienced rapid urbanization since the reforms started in 1978, large numbers of people continue to live in rural areas and to work in the agricultural sector. In recent years, the Chinese government pursued a more positive approach towards ruralurban migration, and adopted a number of policies in support of rural migrants in urban areas. This article emphasizes the relationship between migration and urbanization. It is proposed that internal labour migration can have a positive effect on economic development. It also highlights the new policies and practices having been initiated in recent years.


China, migration, labor force, urbanization, population


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How to Cite

Погудина, Ю. Ю. (2013). Working migration in the process of urbanization in China after 1978. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Asian and African Studies, (2), 43–48. Retrieved from



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