Nomenclature as a part of Chinese scientific lexicon (on the evidence of terminology in linguistics and literary critics)


  • Шуфан Сунь Centre for Russian Language and Literature Studies of Heilongjiang University 74, Xufu Road, Harbin, 150080, China
  • Сергей Дмитриевич Шелов Terminology Centre of the Vinogradov Institute of Russian Language of The Russian Academy of Sciences, 18/2, ul. Volkhonka, Moscow, 119019, Russian Federation


The article focusses on special Chinese terminology in the field of linguistics and literary criticism. This lexicon is investigated in respect to the question of the structure of nomenclature (nomenclature names), which is usually positioned outside terminology and opposed to it. The article develops an approach according to which nomenclature is a special part of terminology. The study demonstrates that the main types of scientific nomenclature designations in Russian and Chinese linguistic nomenclature are basically the same and cover object nomenclature and metanomenclature from the viewpoint of the theory of science as well as anthroponym and toponym (place-name) nomenclature designations from the viewpoint of their word coinage. That does not neglect some particular types of Chinese nomenclature designations and nomenclature labels used as part of these particular names. Word collocations of the type


Chinese terminology, Russian terminology, Chinese nomenclature, Russian nomenclature, language of science, terminology of lingistics and literary critics


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How to Cite

Сунь, Ш., & Шелов, С. Д. (2014). Nomenclature as a part of Chinese scientific lexicon (on the evidence of terminology in linguistics and literary critics). Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Asian and African Studies, (3), 5–16. Retrieved from


