Characteristics of Translation and Research of Chinese Classical Poetry in Russia


  • Zhang Shujuan Shandong University
  • Yang Fengyu China Foreign Affairs University
  • Evgenia I. Mitkina St. Petersburg State University



The study of Chinese classical poetry in Russia dates back several centuries, it is original, has its own bright, distinctive features, no matter in the period of Imperial Russia, the Soviet Union, or contemporary Russia, it always occupies a unique position in the world’s sinology field. In this article, the spread of Chinese classical poetry in Russia is systematically considered from such aspects as the interaction of translators and researchers, translations and works about poets, writers and their works, as well as translation principles and various aspects of research, originality, models of cooperation. This article points out that the study of Chinese classical poetry in Russia attaches great importance to translation, to the exploration of translation principles from the perspectives of rhyme, rhythm, form, paragraphs, tasks, and readers, to the combination of translation, annotation, and research, to the construction of academic terms, and the cooperative mode of poetry translation between Russian sinologists and poets. The paper notes that there are two important goals for Russia and Russian science in translating and researching Chinese classical poetry: firstly, they can serve to enrich national literature and write the history of Russian literature too; secondly, they can be used to introduce Chinese poetry into the context of the development of Russian and world culture. Russian translators and Sinologists-researchers will continue to contribute to the spreading of Chinese poetry and make it a part of world literature.


Chinese classical poetry, Russian sinology, research characteristics, translation principles, rhyme, rhythm, Sinologists, history of translated literature


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How to Cite

Shujuan, Z., Fengyu, Y., & Mitkina, E. I. (2024). Characteristics of Translation and Research of Chinese Classical Poetry in Russia. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Asian and African Studies, 16(1), 72–80.