Ma-shen. Genesis and traditions of worship


  • Александр Георгиевич Сторожук St. Petersburg State University, 7-9, Universitetskaya nab., St. Petersburg, 199034, Russian Federation


The paper covers the genesis of Chinese Heavenly horse supervisor — Ma-shen — and traces development of his worship along with Mongolian horse-breeding god cult, as well as religious practice of Chinese inferno guards. It particularly focuses on a special class of Tantric deities that have given start to all the mentioned religious traditions but presently are not broadly represented in Chinese temples. An exceptional emphasis is put on the analysis of splitting of the formerly Ma-shen cult into several different aspects and on accompanying deities and assistants; paper also presents interpretation of the horse-breeding god in literature and modern religious concepts. Refs 22.


China, religion, beliefs, literature, horse-breeding, temples, Buddhism


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Шефер Э. Х. Золотые персики Самарканда. Книга о чужеземных диковинах в империи Тан / редакция и предисл. Л. Н. Меньшикова. М.: Наука, 1981. 608 с.

Sah hai jing. Mu Tianzi zhuan (Classic of mounts and seas. Biography of Son of Heaven Mu).



How to Cite

Сторожук, А. Г. (2015). Ma-shen. Genesis and traditions of worship. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Asian and African Studies, (4), 43–49. Retrieved from



Geocultural spaces and codes of the cultures of Asia and Africa