The image of Krishna in the poems of Mīrā̃ Bāī


  • Светлана Олеговна Цветкова St. Petersburg State University, 7–9, Universitetskaya nab., St. Petersburg, 199034, Russian Federation



The paper by Tcvetkova S. O. “The image of Krishna in the poems of Mīrā̃ Bāī» deals with the problem of the religious ideas reflected in the poetical heritage of Mīrā̃ Bāī (1499–1547), the famous poetess and one of the most prominent exponents of the Krishna bhakti cult in Northern India. It is traditionally accepted that Mīrā̃ never was a member of any of the religious communities of her age nor was she a follower of any «earthy» religious preceptor, — it was the Lord Krishna by his own who became her “true teacher” (satgūru). The scholars nevertheless find in her verses-songs (bhajans) many traces of the probable influences from the part of some religious sects — namely the influence of the sermons of the Krishna-bhakti doctrines of Vallābhācārya (1478–1530) and Caitanya (1486–1533) as well as the teaching of the shaivite yogīs (nāthas). The image of beloved divine Krishna as depicted in the bhajans of Mīrā̃ can throw light to this question. Krishna is represented in her poetry in two main appearances: as Gopāl (the Herdsman), the iconic form traditionally accepted in Krishna-bhakti cult, and as an ascetic yogī (nātha). Analyzing the possible reasons of such an unexpected representation of Krishna as the latter in the bhajans of a Krishnaite devotee the author of this paper considers it to be due to the influence of the conception of «bhakti-rasa» elaborated by the school of the followers of Caitanya.


poetry of Mira Bai, Krishna-bhakti cult, image of Krishna, image of a natha yogi, influence of religious doctrines, the school of the followers of Caitanya, conception of «bhakti-rasa»


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How to Cite

Цветкова, С. О. (2016). The image of Krishna in the poems of Mīrā̃ Bāī. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Asian and African Studies, (2), 115–126.