Personal-demonstrative pronouns in Bengali as units of secondary nomination (evidence from the story “One day, some day” by A. Bišbās)


  • Екатерина Александровна Костина St. Petersburg State University, 7-9, Universitetskaya nab., St. Petersburg, 199034, Russian Federation


This article attempts to describe some features of the anaphoric use of personal-demonstrative pronouns in the Bengali language on the basis of a short story written by a contemporary Bengali writer A. Bišbās. To achieve this goal, a brief description of the grammatical categories of the demonstrative pronouns (e, o, se, tā) is presented, followed by the analysis of problems of their classification, specific features of their use, and some potential and actual referential conflicts (and their solutions) arising from this specificity. The results of the study identify the directions and scope for further research in the field means of ensuring the integrity and coherence of the Oriental text. Refs 16. Table 1.


ensuring the integrity and coherence of the text, secondary nomination, pronominal anaphora, referential conflict, Bengali, pronouns


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How to Cite

Костина, Е. А. (2015). Personal-demonstrative pronouns in Bengali as units of secondary nomination (evidence from the story “One day, some day” by A. Bišbās). Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Asian and African Studies, (2), 5–16. Retrieved from


