Muhammad-Amin (Khazakhilav) ar-Ruchi. A Study of the Biography of a Dagestani Medieval Scientist


  • Шахбан Магомедович Хапизов Institute of History, Archeology and Ethnography of Dagestan Scientific Center, RAS, 12, ul. Daniyalova, Makhachkala, 367000, Russian Federation



This article explores the life of a medieval Dagestani scholar Muhammadamin (Khazakhilav). He is known as a scientist in natural sciences and astronomy. It has been established that he was a teacher of the most prominent scholars of Dagestan of the 17th and 18th centuries (Muhammad al-Kuduki, Damadan al-Mukhi et al.). The object of this study is the origin and the main stages of the life of the scientist. We studied the following issues involving his teachers, students and research interests. The article describes the epitaph on the tombstone of Khazakhilav. The author was also able to detect the poetic work of the scientist. In his poems Muhammad-Amin ar-Ruchi speaks of the impermanence of life and calls one to turn to Islam as a means for a person to save his soul. To recreate the biography of the scientist and the author we used oral tradition, preserved in the villages of Risor and Tlenserukh (now Charodinsky District, Republic of Dagestan).


Dagestan, mathematics, astronomy, epigraphy, Khazakhilav


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How to Cite

Хапизов, Ш. М. (2016). Muhammad-Amin (Khazakhilav) ar-Ruchi. A Study of the Biography of a Dagestani Medieval Scientist. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Asian and African Studies, (4), 65–71.