Some Reflections on African Studies, “the Truths of Science” in Humanities, or Why We Should Study Africa


  • Alexander Zheltov St. Petersburg State University, 7–9, Universitetskaya nab., St. Petersburg, 199034, Russian Federation



The paper considers the issue of formulating “objective truths” in the study of Humanities, as well as the role African studies play in understanding the current challenges in Russia and the rest of the contemporary world. The reasons for the complexity of formulating truths in Humanities are explained, alongside a consideration of certain specific features of the evolution African studies experienced in Russia. The position of African studies during the period when scholarship was dominated by scientometric indicators is discussed. An attempt is made to formulate a rationale for African studies in contemporary Russia, as well as to apply an analysis of African materials in order to understand certain pressing issues in Russia and elsewhere. Among the ideas and concepts proposed by African studies, the notion of “multistage heterogeneity”, multidimensionality of analysis of social phenomena, and the dichotomy between the cultural and the social realities are brought forward. Based on the above, the paper features a study of problems related to political organization in Africa, Russia and Europe, and delivers an examination of contemporary humanitarian “constructs”. All these phenomena are looked upon within the context of major globalization processes, primarily, the fundamental revolutionary changes in the speed of information flows. Certain concepts relevant to the present day political discourse are reviewed to demonstrate their mutual incongruity and intrinsic inconsistency.


truth, Human sciences, African studies, contemporary world


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How to Cite

Zheltov, A. (2019). Some Reflections on African Studies, “the Truths of Science” in Humanities, or Why We Should Study Africa. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Asian and African Studies, 11(1), 120–132.



Current issues of Asian and African studies: discussion