Concepts of spiritual culture in the economic and socio-cultural practices of the indigenous population of ethnic Buryatia in modern time


  • Баир Зориктоевич Нанзатов Институт монголоведения, буддологии и тибетологии СО РАН
  • Марина Михайловна Содномпилова Институт монголоведения, буддологии и тибетологии СО РАН


The problem of concept actuality of spiritual culture and traditional world view in different practices of aborigen ethnic groups on the territory of Ethnic Buryatia are researched in the article. The aim is researching of functionality, cultural meaning, transformation of traditional spiritual value in modern times.


Ethno-cultural environment, traditions, traditional nature management


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How to Cite

Нанзатов, Б. З., & Содномпилова, М. М. (2011). Concepts of spiritual culture in the economic and socio-cultural practices of the indigenous population of ethnic Buryatia in modern time. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Asian and African Studies, (4), 71–76. Retrieved from



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