Magicians (fangshi) in offi cial dynastic history of China. Biography of Guan Lu. Part 2


  • Наталья Николаевна Власова St. Petersburg State University, 7-9, Universitetskaya nab., St. Petersburg, 199034, Russian Federation


Since ancient times in China there was the cult of scholarship, so any person obtained knowledge, albeit not within the sphere of offi cial scholarship was held in respect, and in China, the magician oft en was in public service. Biography of Guan Lu, dealt in detail in this article, along with the biographies of other magicians fangshi is an excellent material for both researchers of magical practices and researchers of literature, since the texts of the biographies gave impetus to the creation of works in other genres, serving as a kind of foundation. In addition, they are also interesting examples of historical biographies with all their formal features.


China, dynastic histories, magicians, fangshi, Guan Lu, fortunetelling


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How to Cite

Власова, Н. Н. (2011). Magicians (fangshi) in offi cial dynastic history of China. Biography of Guan Lu. Part 2. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Asian and African Studies, (4), 24–31. Retrieved from



History and source studies