The French Exploratory Tradition and Study of North Caucasus


  • Екатерина Леонидовна Соснина Пятигорский технологический университет; Государственный музей-заповедник М. Ю. Лермонтова


In article study North Caucasus links with historian of the development world study of the orient. The Speech goes about French of the exploratory tradition in study of the Caucasian region. The Author are considered diff erent standpoint on entering Caucasus in composition of the Russia, is done conclusion about narrownesses monism approach to problem of the entering of this region in cultural fi eld of the Russia as a result her(its) colonial politicians. It Is Emphasized that like interpretation negative infl uences upon genesis of the consciousness many caucasian folk.


Orientalizm, the study Caucasus, the study of the sources, international relation, Western European’s information about Caucasus


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How to Cite

Соснина, Е. Л. (2011). The French Exploratory Tradition and Study of North Caucasus. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Asian and African Studies, (2), 20–25. Retrieved from



History and source studies