Ethnic constants and behavior features of the Manden peoples (oral tradition’s analysis)


  • Ольга Юрьевна Завьялова St. Petersburg State University, 7-9, Universitetskaya nab., St. Petersburg, 199034, Russian Federation


Based on the analysis of the fabulous and epic tradition, the article identifies the main ethnic constants and behavior features of interaction in society of the Manden peoples (Bamana and Maninka). The collectivist orientation of Manden culture, as reflected in the epics, as well as in fairy tales, determines some of the behavioral constants based on reciprocity and support activities. The main behavioral constant can be considered as distortion of a real situation, so an ability to find a solution to any problem is regarded as of high priority. Such qualities of character as cunningness and ability to find helpers are also valued. The second constant is an ability to avoid direct conflicts, which is determined by high degree of tolerance and necessity to live in balance with nature.


oral tradition, ethnic constants, Manden (Manding) people


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Источники и литература

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How to Cite

Завьялова, О. Ю. (2012). Ethnic constants and behavior features of the Manden peoples (oral tradition’s analysis). Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Asian and African Studies, (3), 92–102. Retrieved from



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