French colonial policy and Catholic propaganda in the Kingdom of Siam in the 19th century


  • Анастасия Игоревна Пылева St. Petersburg State University, 7-9, Universitetskaya nab., St. Petersburg, 199034, Russian Federation


This article covers religious-ideological basis and political aspect of French influence in Siam (Thailand) in the 19th century, in the whole context of France’s colonial policy in the South-East Asia during the period in question. In the article the author pays special attention to the strong development of the Siamese theme in French published works of the time, considering these works as serious informational background towards French authorities, interested in active promotion of Franco-Thai trade cooperation, and private individuals, who could invest their own financial resources into French ambitious policy in Siam, by supporting the work of French catholic missionaries in this country. The author analyses the main reasons of the ultimate failure of French colonial policy in Siam: Thai people’s total indifference towards the Roman Catholic propaganda, successful modernization of Siam and efficient diplomacy of the Siamese government. In particular, as a result of some long-term political decisions and reasonable initiative, Siam gained diplomatic support from the powerful foreign ally possessing great international influence — the Russian Empire. Specifically, rich and controversial historical background of Franco-Thai relations in the 17th century was utilized by Siamese leaders in the 19th century to the major benefit — the preservation of the independence and sovereignty of the Kingdom of Siam during the difficult period of French and British colonial expansion in the region of South-East Asia.


French colonialism, Siam in the 19th century, missionary work, the Roman Catholic propaganda, Paris Foreign Missions Society, New Imperialism, unequal treaty


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How to Cite

Пылева, А. И. (2013). French colonial policy and Catholic propaganda in the Kingdom of Siam in the 19th century. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Asian and African Studies, (3), 99–109. Retrieved from



Foreign policy and international relations of Asia and Africa