Evolution of the Turkic category of the case within the systemic linguistics (based on the language of the Old Turkic runic inscriptions)


  • Маргарита Эмильевна Дубровина St. Petersburg State University, 7-9, Universitetskaya nab., St. Petersburg, 199034, Russian Federation


The article is devoted to the category of case of the Old Turkic language. The starting point for a theoretical understanding of the facts of this language is an idea, according to which the structure of this language develops under the principle of economy of affixes (the concept of G. P. Melnikov). Based on the analysis of the functions of the cases that are found in the texts, the author makes an assumption about evolution of each form. The author suggests that the sequence of appearance of the Turkic case forms depend on how “unpredictable” for the speaker the object is, which must be expressed by the case affixes. It means that the first case forms in the Old Turkic languages were probably those forms that indicated the objects which were the least “expected”, “predictable” from the viewpoint of the speaker. These are such cases as instrumental or dative. The most predictable relationships between subjects and actions, on the contrary, for a long time was not indicated by the morphological index and could be expressed by the juxtaposition of two nouns as it is the most economic way.


Turkology, Grammar of the Turkic languages, case, runic inscriptions


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How to Cite

Дубровина, М. Э. (2013). Evolution of the Turkic category of the case within the systemic linguistics (based on the language of the Old Turkic runic inscriptions). Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Asian and African Studies, (1), 10–17. Retrieved from https://aasjournal.spbu.ru/article/view/2209


