“Nippon” lithographs and their prototypes in the work of Kawahara Keiga: Holidays, ceremonies


  • Анна Сергеевна Степанова Peter the Great’s Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography (Kunstkamera), 3, Universitetskaya nab., St.Petersburg, 199034, Russian Federation


This article is devoted to the research of some ethnographical lithographs, included as illustrations to Holland multivolume book “Nippon”. It’s publishing started in 1832 and lasted for almost 20 years. For a long time this work by Ph.F. von Siebold stayed one of the most detailed scientific research about Japan of the XIXth century in Europe, and “Nippon” illustrations are still of great value to the researchers of Japanese ethnography. These illustrations include lithographs made on the basis of the works of Japanese artist Kawahara Keiga, who was hired by Siebold himself. Keiga was an artist of Nagasaki art school. He learnt the European art technics and his works combine the features of Japanese and European art traditions and great detalization. That’s why they have great importance as the source for the ethnography of Japan of XIX century. During the isolation of Japan from the outworld the only place where Europeans were allowed to stay was a tiny island, Dezima in Nagasaki. With the help of Kawahara Keiga Europeans could get the information about life and culture of Japan. In this article author is searching “Nippon” lithographs, devoted to Japanese holidays and customs (except customs of life cycle), and their prototypes, created by Kawahara Keiga. Detailed ethnographical description and comparison with the prototypes were given to each scene. Refs 17. Figs 9.


Nippon, Philipp Franz von Siebold, Kawahara Keiga, ethnographical pictures, Nagasaki, Japanese holidays, Japanese ceremonies


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How to Cite

Степанова, А. С. (2014). “Nippon” lithographs and their prototypes in the work of Kawahara Keiga: Holidays, ceremonies. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Asian and African Studies, (2), 121–135. Retrieved from https://aasjournal.spbu.ru/article/view/2112



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