Ethno-linguistic structure of the Mesopotamian population in the early 2nd millennium B. C.


  • Нэлли Владимировна Козырева Institute of Oriental manuscripts RAS, 18, Dvortsovaya nab., St.Petersburg, 191186, Russian Federation; St.Petersburg State University, 7/9, Universitetskaya nab., St.Petersburg, 199034, Russian Federation


For millennia during the period of early antiquity (VII–II millennium BC) permanent large-scale displacements of various ethno-cultural groups took place in the territory of the Great Mesopotamia. Such movements could be caused by different factors, including the lack or the depletion of natural resources for livelihood in a specific area, increasing number of the population, territorial differentiation of the quality of life. Migration processes played a crucial role in economic and political development of the region. Relying on archaeological evidence, written records and previous studies (I. M. Diakonoff, I. J. Gelb, P. Steinkeller) In this the author offers a reconstruction of the movement and the interaction of various ethno-cultural groups in the Great Mesopotamian territory during early antiquity and their role in the establishing of statehood and the formating of political structures. Refs 23. Figs 1.


Great Mesopotamia, Southern Mesopotamia, Upper Mesopotamia, Akkadian, Amorite, early antiquity, ethno-cultural groups, Semitic languages, movement, interaction


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How to Cite

Козырева, Н. В. (2014). Ethno-linguistic structure of the Mesopotamian population in the early 2nd millennium B. C. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Asian and African Studies, (2), 84–95. Retrieved from



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