The Calendar, Religion and Politics. Discussion on Calendar Reform in the Sikh Community




In the article the introduction of the Nanakshahi calendar in 1998 (accepted in 2003, amended in 2010) is considered as an attempt of unification of the Sikh community, and formation of single-form Sikh identity. The evolution of a Sikh community is a long process and the result of the combination of different trends. The community of Sikhs started as the sect in Hinduism in time of Guru Nanak (1469–1539) but developed as a new religion under the leadership of his successors, all of whom are known as the Gurus. Dates of main historical events of the Sikhs together with agricultural and New Year celebrations (Diwali, Holi) became main festivals of the Sikh year. The matter is complicated by the emergence of significant Sikh diaspora. Recently Sikh religious authorities have introduced moral code of the Sikh and the Sikh calendar Nanakshahi to strengthen differences and to create religious boundaries between the Sikhs and the Hindus. In 2003 this calendar was put in force. However, some Sikh festivals are still celebrated in old manner according to the old Vikram (Bikrami) North Indian calendar and the new version (2010) of the Nanakshahi Calendar. The calendar reform aiming at the unification of the Sikhs resulted in rise of differences between them. 


Sikhism, Sikh identity, Guru Nanak, Arjun Dev, Gobind Singh, Pal Singh Purewal


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How to Cite

Kotin, I. Y. (2024). The Calendar, Religion and Politics. Discussion on Calendar Reform in the Sikh Community. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Asian and African Studies, 16(1), 181–195.