Semantic classification of contemporary Chinese verbs


  • Екатерина Юрьевна Занина St. Petersburg State University, 7–9, Universitetskaya nab., St. Petersburg, 199034, Russian Federation


This is an attempt of a semantic classification of contemporary Chinese verbs based on common grammatical features in verb groups that are determined by their inner semantics. As a model, the author uses a universal predicate classification described by Vladimir Plungyan in “An introduction into general morphology: a tutorial” (M.: Editorial URSS, 2000). Chinese verbs appear to easily fit into its framework which suggests the universal nature of semantic categories. One of particular difficulties in Chinese language is interpreting the meaning of an isolated verb stem, as it only reveals its true meaning within a syntactic structure. The author provides a large number of examples corroborating these conclusions.


Chinese language, verb, semantics, classification, verbs of state,, verbs of events, bounded (telic) process, unbounded (atelic) process


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How to Cite

Занина, Е. Ю. (2010). Semantic classification of contemporary Chinese verbs. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Asian and African Studies, (2), 186–201. Retrieved from