Manchu-Mongolian and Mongol-Manchurian dictionaries (18–20th centuries, the history of compilation). Part 2


  • Энхбат Мунхцэцэг St. Petersburg State University, 7–9, Universitetskaya nab., St. Petersburg, 199034, Russian Federation


Since the introduction of the Qing dynasty in China (1644) its official language became Manchu and all documents were written in Manchu. This called forth the need for dictionaries to unify terminology in official papers and documents as well as to teach multinational subjects the Manchu language. In the 18 th century dictionary composition was the most intensive. At that time mono-, bi- and multilingual dictionaries were compiled. Under Emperor Kangxi’s order the first explanatory Manchu dictionary was published in 1708. The next step was adding of the Mongolian part (published in 1717). Later it was expanded by adding of the Chinese equivalents (1771) and finally with Tibetan and Uyghur parts. The Manchu Emperors supervised these editions and even the preface in edition of 1708 was written by Kangxi himself and later it was repeated in other editions. These editions not only were used during the 18 th century but became a source for modern Manchu-Russian, Manchu-English and even Mongolian-Russian and Mongolian explanatory dictionary of Modern Mongolian. Less known are some manuscript Mongolian-Manchu dictionaries preserved in Mongolian collections.


Manchu dictionaries of Qing time, Manchu-Mongolian dictionaries, Mongolian-Manchu dictionaries


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Han-i araha nonggime togtobuha manju gisun-i buleku bithe, kit. Yuzhi zengding Qingwen jian (Zertsalo man'chzhurskoi slovesnosti, izdannoe po vysochaishemu poveleniiu ispravlennoe i dopolnennoe) (1771). Ksilograf iz rukopisnogo otdela IVR RAN (Man'chzhurskii fond). [Manchu Dictionary Published aft er

the Royal Order with Corrections and Supplements (1771). A xylograph from the Manuscript department of the Institute of Oriental Manuscripts of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Manchurian collection)]. Shifr S 29.

Volkova M. P. Opisanie man'chzhurskikh rukopisei instituta narodov Azii AN SSSR [Description of the Manchu Manuscripts of the Institute of the Peoples of Asia of the USSR], issue I. Moscow, Nauka Publ., 1965. 137 pp. (In Russian)

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Han-i araha manju monggo nikan hergen ilan hacin-i mudan acaha buleku bithe; mong. Qaγan-u bičigsen manǰu mongγul kitad üsüg γurban ǰüil-ün ayalγu neyilegsen toli bičig; kit. Yuzi manzhu menggu hanzi sanhe qieyin qingwen jian (Zertsalo man'chzhurskoi slovesnosti na man'chzhurskom, kitaiskom i mongol'skom iazykakh s dobavleniem (transkriptsii) ieroglifami, izdannoe po vysochaishemu poveleniiu) (1780). Ksilograf iz rukopisnogo otdela IVR RAN (Man'chzhurskii fond) [Manchu-Chinese-Mongolian Dictionary with Hieroglyphs Published aft er the Royal Order (1780). A xylograph from the Manuscript department of the Institute of Oriental Manuscripts of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Manchurian collection)]. Shifr S 88.

Han-i araha sunja hacin-i hergen kamciha manju gisun-i buleku bithe; Rgyal pos mdzad pa’i skad lnga tshan sbyar gyi ma nydzu’i skad gsal ba’i me long; Qaγan-u bičigsen tabun ǰüil-ün üsüg-iyer qabsuruγsan manǰu ügen-ü toli bičig; Beš halq mancurča luγat; Yuzhi wu ti qingwen ǰian. (Zapisannoe piat'iu vidami bukv «Zertsalo man'chzhurskoi slovesnosti», izdannoe po vysochaishemu poveleniiu) [Written in Five Languages Manchu Dictionary Published aft er the Royal Order]. Begejing, Ündüsütün-ü keblel-ün qoriy-a, 1957, vol. 1–3.

Volkova M. P. Opisanie man'chzhurskikh ksilografov Instituta vostokovedeniia AN SSSR [Description of the Manchu xylographs of the Institute for Oriental Studies of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR], issue II. Moscow, Nauka Publ., 1988. 156 pp. (In Russian)

Uspensky V. L. Catalogue of the Mongolian Manuscripts and Xylographs in the St. Petersburg State University Library. Tokyo, University of Tokyo Press Production Center, 1999, vol. 2.

Chun Hua. The Study of Manchu-Mongolian Dictionaries of the Qing Empire. Shenyang, Liaoning minzu chubanshe, 2008. 545 р.

Han-i araha duin hacin-i hergen kamciha manju gisun-i buleku bithe; tib. Rgyal pos mdzad pa’i skad bzhi tshan sbyar gyi ma nydzu’i skad gsal ba’i me long; mong. Qaγan-u bičigsen dӧrben ǰüil-ün üsügiyer qabsuruγsan manǰu ügen-ü toli bičig; kit. Yuzhi si ti qingwen jian (Zapisannoe chetyr'mia vidami bukv «Zertsalo man'chzhurskoi slovesnosti, izdannoe po vysochaishemu poveleniiu»). Ksilograf iz rukopisnogo otdela IVR RAN (Man'chzhurskii fond) [Manchu-Tibetan-Mongolian-Chinese Dictionary Published aft er the Royal Order. A xylograph from the Manuscript department of the Institute of Oriental Manuscripts of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Manchurian collection)]. Shifr S 111.

Pan T. A. Man'chzhurskie pis'mennye pamiatniki po istorii i kul'ture imperii Tsin XVII–XVIII vv. [Manchu Written Sources on the History and Culture of the Qing Empire in the 17–18th Centuries]. St. Petersburg, Peterburgskoe vostokovedenie Publ., 2006. 228 pp. (In Russian)

Duin hacin hergen kamciha buleku bithe, mong. Dörben ǰüil-ün üsüg qabsuruqsan toli bičig (Zertsalo, zapisannoe chetyr'mia vidami bukv). Ksilograf iz fonda mongol'skikh knig MNB [Manchu-Tibetan-Mongolian-Chinese Dictionary. A xylograph from the collection of Mongolian books in the National Library of Mongolia]. Shifr 13569–73/97, 13578–587/97, 13591–603/97, 13609–614/97, 13703–06/97, 14390–91/97.

Manju mongγul üsüg qabsuraγsan toli bičig. Terigün-eče dörbe kürtel-e (Slovar', zapisannyi man'chzhurskimi i mongol'skimi bukvami. Pervaia — chetvertaia (chasti)). Rukopis' iz fonda mongol'skikh knig MNB [Manchu-Mongolian dictionary. From the first to the fourth. A manuscript from the collection of Mongolian books in the National Library of Mongolia]. Shifr 13779/97.

Duin hacin hergen kamciha buleku bithe, mong. Dörben ǰüil-ün üsüg qabsuruqsan toli bičig (Zertsalo, zapisannoe chetyr'mia vidami bukv). Rukopis' iz fonda mongol'skikh knig MNB [Four languages dictionary. A manuscript from the collection of Mongolian books in the National Library of Mongolia]. Shifr 13167/97.

Mal'tseva E. V. Piatiiazychnyi man'chzhursko-tibetsko-mongol'sko-uigursko-kitaiskii slovar' [Manchu-Tibetan-Mongolian-Uigur-Chinese Dictionary Written in Five Languages]. Trudy Buriatskogo kompleksnogo nauchno-issledovatel'skogo instituta. Ser. vostokovednaia [Proceedings of the Buryat Complex Research Institute]. Ulan-Ude, 1960, pp. 261–264. (In Russian)

Mongγul manju toli bičig. Rukopis' iz fonda mongol'skikh knig MNB [Mongolian-Manchu Dictionary. A manuscript from the collection of Mongolian books in the National Library of Mongolia]. Shifr 13806/97.

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How to Cite

Мунхцэцэг, Э. (2016). Manchu-Mongolian and Mongol-Manchurian dictionaries (18–20th centuries, the history of compilation). Part 2. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Asian and African Studies, (1), 70–81. Retrieved from