New words in Chinese language in relation to the current socio-economic situation in the PRC


  • Юлия Андреевна Куприянова National Research University Higher School of Economics, 20, Myasnitskaya ul., Moscow, 101000, Russian Federation
  • Мин Гун National Research University Higher School of Economics, 20, Myasnitskaya ul., Moscow, 101000, Russian Federation


The article examines new Chinese words in relation to the social situation in modern PRC. Analysis of neologisms helps to make the conclusions about the main processes taking place in the cultural, economic and social life of the community nowadays, as well as bring to light the trends that will define the social and economic climate in the country in the coming years. The vocabulary of modern Chinese people, especially the young citizens, quickly adding new lexical units, which fast become widespread thanks to the Internet community. This research is based both on the new words, officially recorded in last edition of the “Dictionary of Modern Chinese Language”, and on the neologisms that became popular in the Internet in recent years, but not included in the dictionary. Due to the huge number of new words that have appeared over the last decade, this study aims to allocate certain lexical units, mainly analyzing those words that closely related to the reform of the social system and economic life, including the names of certain groups of citizens with atypical behavioral models, specific property or marital status. A number of neologisms also have to do with new cultural concepts and values of young people.


neologisms, Chinese language, Chinese society, sociolinguistics, policy of birth control in PRC, language of the Internet


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How to Cite

Куприянова, Ю. А., & Гун, М. (2016). New words in Chinese language in relation to the current socio-economic situation in the PRC. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Asian and African Studies, (1), 5–18. Retrieved from