Global and Local Challenges Facing Syria and Russia in the Light of the Resolution of the Syrian Crisis


  • Luma Mutter Hassan University of Wasit



Since the outbreak of the Syrian uprising in March, 2013, the United States of America and the European Union have exerted various pressures on the Syrian president, Bashar al-Assad’s regime to step him down from power, but all their efforts were in vain due to the supporting stance of both Russia and China to al-Assad through the use of veto power to block several international resolutions. The significance of the current paper lies in the fact it tackles those challenges facing Arab region, particularly Syria, in addition to the Russian position supporting Syria. The aim of the present paper is to adopt an analytical background of the Russian position regarding the Syrian crisis and the political as well as the strategic dimensions for such a move on the regional and international levels. The research comprises three sections in addition to an introduction and a conclusion. Section one investigates the reasons behind the Syrian crisis and the Russian interests in the region; Section two tackles is devoted to the Russian position towards the crisis, while the third section studies the Russian military intervention in Syria. From this perspective, we find that Russia seeks to ensure its influence over Syrian politics after a peaceful settlement. It aims to safeguard its strategic interests, restore its position, and end its international isolation, presenting itself as a major power on the global stage.


conflicts in the Middle East, the Syrian crisis, Bashar al-Assad, Russia’s foreign policy in the Middle East


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How to Cite

Hassan, L. M. (2024). Global and Local Challenges Facing Syria and Russia in the Light of the Resolution of the Syrian Crisis. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Asian and African Studies, 15(4), 790–799.



Foreign policy and international relations of Asia and Africa