The Levantine alphabetic systeme as being formed in the environment of Egyptian scribal propaedeutics


  • Андрей Георгиевич Сущевский St. Petersburg State University, 7-9, Universitetskaya nab., St. Petersburg, 199034, Russian Federation


Analyzing the genesis of the alphabet, one should see a fundamental difference between the conception of phonography as a model of writing and the diachronic aspect of describing letters’ names and their strict order as an educational pattern used by Levantine scribes late in the 2nd mill. B. C. This article traces transformations of grapheme functioning in such models of writing as ideography — morphography — “protophonography” (a term introduced by the author) — phonography. The author proposes his analysis and critique of the so-called “acrophonic” model of the origin of Levantine letters’ names. Topographical examining of archaeological evidence for the four textual cultures that functioned in Levant in 17–11 cent. B. C. allows us to deduce that the formation of onomastics and ductum of graphemes in Levantine abecedaries took place in the context of Egyptian scribal propaedeutics. Refs 31. Figs 6.


alphabet, phonography, morphography, abecedary, ancient Levant, ancient Egypt, writing, script


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How to Cite

Сущевский, А. Г. (2015). The Levantine alphabetic systeme as being formed in the environment of Egyptian scribal propaedeutics. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Asian and African Studies, (4), 14–28. Retrieved from


