Ash-patting new year painting in Gaomi: features of technique and genre structure


  • Юлия Геннадьевна Лемешко Amur State University, 21, shosse Ignatyevskoye, Blagoveschensk, 675027, Russian Federation


The paper focuses on the features of the Gaomi regional center which has a long history of over 500 years. The Gaomi ash-patting new year painting or puhui New Year painting was formed in XV century and became popular in XIX century. Due to the use of charcoal and the motion of pressing charcoal on the paper, the painting is called puhui nianhua. In XIX century ash-patting new year paintings were influenced by two art schools: Yangliuqing and Yangjiabu. The Gaomi ash-patting new year painting is a unique style of New Year pictures in China. This traditional art craft only existed in Gaomi East China’s Shandong province. In recent years, Gaomi regional center has enjoyed unprecedented development. Refs 10. Fig. 1.


folk art of China, nianhua, Gaomi regional center of production of ash-patting new year painting


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How to Cite

Лемешко, Ю. Г. (2015). Ash-patting new year painting in Gaomi: features of technique and genre structure. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Asian and African Studies, (3), 52–60. Retrieved from



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