Dialogic connection of modern drama with classic Turkish literature (on the material of the mesnevi Beauty and Love)


  • Ирина Витальевна Прушковская Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, 60, ul. Vladimirskaya, Kyiv, 01601, Ukraine


The intertextual relations of wide cultural text of Turkish literature are examined on the example of Beauty and Love by Sheikh Galib. Connection of perceiving intertext with the cultural field of traditions is reflected upon. Separate attention is given to the interpretation of classic literature work of modern Turkish writers, the points of contiguity of traditions of different generations are certain at literary level. In the conditions of increasing rate of life and information exchange dramaturgy makes the transition into allegoric forms, lifting the artistic value of dramaturgy of ideas. Reliance on classic work of Sheik Galib in work of writers gives them an opportunity to rise above their time, to understand its essence. Due to property of intertextuality modern literature carries understanding of its classic culture; such poems as Beauty and Love are texts of the high understanding and present values beyond the boundaries of time and space. Text of Beauty and Love, created by Galib in Indian style, is intertextual. In the considered examples of dialogism of different forms of intertextuality there is a process of borrowing information, capturing which is the major constituent of intellectual essence. Refs 17.


intertextuality, cultural discus, literature of Divan, modern drama


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How to Cite

Прушковская, И. В. (2015). Dialogic connection of modern drama with classic Turkish literature (on the material of the mesnevi Beauty and Love). Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Asian and African Studies, (2), 95–102. Retrieved from https://aasjournal.spbu.ru/article/view/1725



Literary studies