Quantitative Indices for Typologizing Asian and African Languages


  • Вадим Борисович Касевич St. Petersburg State University, 7–9, Universitetskaya nab., St. Petersburg, 199034, Russian Federation


This paper gives an interim report on a study done by a team of researches where typological indices are computed for a sample of 15 languages of Asia and Africa (Chinese, Japanese, Arabic, Swahili, etc.). The indices are partly the same as introduced by J.Greenberg (cf. also Kasevich & Yahontov, eds. 1982), partly new offered in this study (such as percentage of one-, two-, three-syllable words, number of deictic and anaphoric pronouns per clause, etc.). The main distinctions of this study prom its predecessors are two: first, the indices cover not just morphology but also syntax and, to some extent, semantics; second, the quantitative typological findings are used to explain certain regularities in speech perception and production (for ex., if ‘longer’ words are typical for a language, that fact has specific bearing on the type of strategies chosen by the language speakers in speech perception).


linguistic typology, quantitative approach, languages of Asia and Africa


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How to Cite

Касевич, В. Б. (2009). Quantitative Indices for Typologizing Asian and African Languages. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Asian and African Studies, (3), 123–142. Retrieved from https://aasjournal.spbu.ru/article/view/1716