The System and Concept of dyamu from Manding (Guinea), based on oral sources


  • Ольга Юрьевна Завьялова St. Petersburg State University, 7–9, Universitetskaya nab., St. Petersburg, 199034, Russian Federation



This article is devoted to one of the most interesting problem in African studies — the system of dyamu, clan names. The purpose of this article is a description of the system and its origin, dyamu based on how it is understood by the carriers themselves — representatives of the peoples of the Manding. The researches were based both on folklore sources, and on materials of expeditions to Guinea 1999 and 2014. The article presents the collected information about dyamu of Guinea (Siguiri district), their marriage prohibitions and preferences, names and legends of dyamu clans ancestors-founders, totems, as well as their senanku (families with whom the representatives of the dyamu clan is in ‘the joking relationship’). The dyamu system of castes division has appeared for the organization of relationships of the maden people, as well as joined to them Susu, Soninke and Fulani families in the Mali Empire. The Manden families occupied the higher positions in the hierarchy in according to their contribution to the victory and the establishment of the Empire of Mali. Dyamu names themselves are perceived as laudatory names and their main origin stories are recorded in the epic of Sundyate.


Dyamu, oral tradition, peoples of the Manding


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Niane D. T. Mali and the second Mandingo expansion. Africa from the twelft h to the sixteenth century. Еd. D. T. Niane; Unesco. International Scientific Committee for the Draft ing of a General History of Africa. London, Berkeley, Heinemann, University of California Press, 1984.

Smith M.C. The mande kora: a West African system of thought. Collected writings, essays, and interviews from 35 years of ethnic music research. Tuebingen, Germany, 2011. Available at:" target="_blank"> (accessed: 18.02.2016).

Cisse Youssouf Tata, Kamissoko Wâ. La grande geste du Mali. Karthala, Paris, 2000. Т. 1. Des origines à la fondation de l’Empire. 416 p.

La Charte de Kurukan Fuga aux sources d’une pensee politique en Afrique par le professeur Djibril Tamsir Niane. Available at:" target="_blank"> (accessed: 18.01.2016).

Mamadou Kouyate. La variabilité dans quatre versions de l’épopée mandingue. Linguistics Université Michel de Montaigne — Bordeaux III, 2015. Available at:" target="_blank"> (accessed: 21.03.2016).

Jones R. A. “You Eat Beans!”: Kin-based Joking Relationships, Obligations, and Identity in Urban Mali (2007). Honors Projects. Paper 2. Available at:" target="_blank"> A. Jones (accessed: 17.01.2016).

Cisse Youssouf Tata, Kamissoko Wâ. La grande geste du Mali. Karthala, Paris, 2009. T. 2. Soundjata la gloire du Mali. 300 p.

Djibril Tamsir Niane. Soundjata ou l’épopée mandingue. Paris, Présence africaine, 1960. 212 p.

Camara Laye. L’Enfant Noir. Editions Plon. Paris, Editions Plon, 1953, 221 p.

Innes G. Sunjata: Three Mandinka Versions. London, SOAS, 1974. 335 p.

Niane D. T. Sundiata: An Epic of Old Mali. Hong Kong, Longman African Classics, 1992. 120 p.



How to Cite

Завьялова, О. Ю. (2016). The System and Concept of dyamu from Manding (Guinea), based on oral sources. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Asian and African Studies, (3), 101–115.



Geocultural spaces and codes of the cultures of Asia and Africa