Crimean court registers (sidjils) of the 17th–18th centuries: genre structure of hukm, a legal document


  • Олег Диляверович Рустемов Crimean Engineering and Pedagogical University, 8, Uchebny per., Simferopol, 95015, Crimea, Russian Federation


The article discusses in detail the content and typological features of the one most common genres of official style of the Crimean Khanate — hukm, as a kind of sidjils. Crimean court books — sidjils, in spite of their great historical value, have not yet been systematically studied. A history and the main works on the study of Bakhchesaray court books are presented. The article attempts to analyze the structure of various types of judicial verdicts — hukm — and highlights their main stylistic and linguistic features. There are at first presented translations of individual samples of legal texts era of the Crimean Khanate, some of which have not only a philological, but also historical value. The paper also contains an overview about some other kinds of legal documents which are contained in kadiasker’s sidjils of Bakhchesaray kadilyk. Reasoning and methods undertaken by the author’s research is based on texts taken directly from the Crimean court registries of the 17th–18th centuries. Refs 12.


Crimean Khanate, court registries, dava, hukm, ilam, sidjil, suret, Sharia Court session, the preamble of the document, kismet-i mevaris, yafta


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How to Cite

Рустемов, О. Д. (2015). Crimean court registers (sidjils) of the 17th–18th centuries: genre structure of hukm, a legal document. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Asian and African Studies, (1), 55–62. Retrieved from



History and source studies