Life and scientific work of outstanding Chinese sociologist Fei Xiaotong


  • Liudmila Veselova St. Petersburg State University, 7–9, Universitetskaya nab., St. Petersburg, 199034, Russian Federation
  • Neng Liu Peking University, Beijing Municipality, Haidian District, Yiheyuan Road No. 5, P.R.C.



Fei Xiaotong (费孝通) (2 November 1910 — 24 April 2005) was the prominent anthropologist and sociologist of China. He was one of the first sociologists and anthropologists who conducted anthropological studies of the life of Chinese society. He was a political journalist and a “cultural intermediary” who published articles about the West in Chinese in China, and about China in English in the West. Fei Xiaotong’s career was full of ups and downs that were associated with the political situation in the country. Finally, after 1978 and starting of the period of Economic Reform and Openness he could re-enter public and scientific life, and officially became a respected academic and a public intellectual which dedicated all his life to the investigation of Chinese society and social problems. For many people, Fei Xiaotong’s works became the first sources, from which it was possible to obtain various information about the Chinese village. His works made us think about the laws of social development and on what methods they should be studied. He believed that it was necessary not only to develop sociology but to go its way, to strive to develop Chinese sociology with all its specifics. Fei Xiaotong devoted his entire life to studying Chinese society and the changes taking place in it. The main stimulus that inspired him all his life was the hope that the Chinese peasants will live better and better, and with them, China will become stronger and more prosperous state.


Fei Xiaotong, Chinese sociology, History of China, prominent persons of the PRC


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Zhang Yulin. Fei Xiaotongde yanjiusilu he fangfa. Fei Xiaotong yu zhongguo shehuixue [Scientific way and methods of Fei Xiaotong]. Li Peilin zhubian. Beijing, Dhehuikexue wenxian chubanshe, 2011, pp. 52–61. (In Chinese)

Small towns in China: functions, problems and prospects by Fei Xiaotong and other. Beijing, New Worls Press, 1986.

Zhang baozheng. Shanghai yingwei quanguo xiaochengzhen tigong yangban shifan — Fei Xiaotong kaocha Pudong jichangzheng suixingji [Shanghai should become the model for all small towns in China — Fei Xiaotong explore the Pudong airport]. Xiaochengzhenjishe, 2001/2, pp. 74–75. (In Chinese)

Mackerras C., Yorke A. The Cambridge Handbook of Contemporary China. New York, Cambridge University Press, 1991. 266 p.

Zheng Hangsheng. Fei xiaotong dui dangdai zhonguo shehuixue gongxiande zai renshi Fei Xiaotongyu zhongguo shehuixue [Re-thinking of Fei Xiaotong’s contribution to the modern Chinese sociology]. Li Peilin zhubian. Beijing, Dhehuikexue wenxian chubanshe, 2011, pp. 8–13. (In Chinese)




How to Cite

Veselova, L., & Liu, N. (2018). Life and scientific work of outstanding Chinese sociologist Fei Xiaotong. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Asian and African Studies, 10(2), 269–284.



History of Asian and African studies