Egyptian trace in tropologion of Jerusalem SIN. GR.ΝΕ/ΜΓ 56+5


  • Александра Юрьевна Никифорова University of Bonn, Am Hof 1, 53113, Germany



In the article I discuss how the liturgical tradition of Jerusalem was interpreted in Egypt, analyzing the data from the Greek hymnographical tropologion of 9th C., Sin. Gr.ΝΕ/ΜΓ 56+5, discovered in 1975 in the monastery of St.Catherine on Sinai. Based on the tradition of the Church of the Resurrection in Jerusalem, it contains the local calendar and specific cults which are as follows: the patronal feast of the Archangel Michael, celebrated on the 6 th June, the commemoration in the office of Saint Mark the Apostle, particularly venerated in Egypt as a protector of the region, as “our patron,” and the presence of a monostroph to be chanted at the shrine of the Egyptian monk Arsenios the Great. Moreover one of the Arabic remarks in this codex refers us directly to Egypt. These regional details put the tropologion close to other Sinaitic manuscripts of the 9th C., i.e. Sin.Gr. 212 and RNB. Gr. 44 (“Codex Sinaiticus liturgicus”).


hymnography, hagiography, monastery of St. Catherine on the Sina


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Marco Sh., Hartal M., Hazan N., Lev L., Stein M. Archaeology, history, and geology of the A. D. 749 earthquake, Dead Sea transform. Geology, 2003, no. 31, pp. 665–668.



How to Cite

Никифорова, А. Ю. (2016). Egyptian trace in tropologion of Jerusalem SIN. GR.ΝΕ/ΜΓ 56+5. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Asian and African Studies, (4), 40–54.