African social networks in China: A comparative study of communities in Guangzhou and Yiwu


  • Yang Ying Nagoya University, Japan 464-8601 Nagoya-shi, Chikusa-ku, Furo-cho



After the first Africans appeared in China in 2000, their communities were formed in Guangzhou and later in Yiwu. Being the third largest city in China, Guangzhou benefited from its proximity to Hong Kong and the Pearl River. These and some other city’s advantages attracted African traders. In contrast, Yiwu, despite being ranked a county-level city in the Zhejiang Province, came to prominence as the world`s largest wholesale market. Yiwu also attracted Arab and African traders. Being separated from each other by only two-hour plane trip or 13-hour train trip, the two cities are not so distant geographically. However, because of the difference in size, lifestyle, business patterns, local government policies and the patterns of Chinese residence, each of the two African communities developed in its own peculiar way. This study is based on fieldwork, carried out in both areas. It aims to analyze the differences of African communities and their networks in Yiwu and Guangzhou. What attracts Africans to these cities? What is their objective? Why do they stay in these two particular cities, and not in others? Do they have an intention to move to other cities or other countries? This study also tries to discover, if there are links between the African communities in the two cities and examine patterns of social networks’ development in both locations.


African traders, networks, social capital, foreign residents, foreign communities


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How to Cite

Ying, Y. (2017). African social networks in China: A comparative study of communities in Guangzhou and Yiwu. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Asian and African Studies, 9(4), 416–428.



Foreign policy and international relations of Asia and Africa