To the question of the immigration of Moriscos of Andalusia and their integration to the social and economic life of Maghreb countries in XVI–XVII


  • Юлия Сергеевна Болдина St. Petersburg State University, 7-9, Universitetskaya nab., St. Petersburg, 199034, Russian Federation


In this article, we observe the issue of the immigration of the Moriscos to the countries of Maghreb, besides the article provides the analysis of a sociological phenomenon of integration and its application to the historic realities. The article focuses on the Moriscos social group of Andalusia and the particularities of their integration in Morocco, Algeria and Tunis. The purpose of this work is revealing the causal attitudes between the attributes of the social group and the concept of integration, making the list of the basic criteria for the analysis of the Moriscos integration and immigration to the Maghreb countries in XVI–XVII. The given material deserves special consideration, as it concerns a social history of the Moriscos and uses the analytical tools of sociology within the historic analysis. Moreover the paper analyzes the features of the Moriscos integration as a social and cultural phenomenon that is the precondition for the further analysis of the Muslims assimilation in Spain within the Maghreb countries in the later period.


Moriscos, Andalusia, Maghreb, sociology, history, immigration, integration


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How to Cite

Болдина, Ю. С. (2011). To the question of the immigration of Moriscos of Andalusia and their integration to the social and economic life of Maghreb countries in XVI–XVII. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Asian and African Studies, (1), 59–64. Retrieved from



History and source studies