The Russian envoys in the camp of the Kalmyk tayishi Dalay-Batyr in the second decade of the 17th century


  • Владимир Петрович Санчиров Калмыцкий институт гуманитарных исследований РАН


The article analyzes the initial stage (the second decade of the 17th century) of the Russo-Oirat relations when Russia re-established the diplomatic and trade relations with the powerful nomadic confederation of the North-Western Oirats, the forefathers of the present-day Kalmyks. The preserved Russian archive documents of that period are of great informative value and scientific significance for the research works. The Russian envoys who visited the Kalmyk ruler Dalay-Batyr camp in 1616 and 1617 made many interesting accounts of the social organization, everyday life, religion, arms and military tactics of the Oirat Nomads.


the 17th century, the Russian state, the Oirats and the Kalmyks, the Kalmyk ruler Dalay- Batyr, the Russian envoys in his camp


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How to Cite

Санчиров, В. П. (2011). The Russian envoys in the camp of the Kalmyk tayishi Dalay-Batyr in the second decade of the 17th century. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Asian and African Studies, (1), 9–15. Retrieved from



Russia and Asia