Folk Art “Madhubani” and Little Tradition of Hinduism


  • Ксения Михайловна Воздиган Музей антропологии и этнографии им. Петра Великого (Кунсткамера) РАН


This paper deals with Madhubani — folk art of Mithila region in North-Western India in the context of the “levels” of tradition in Hinduism. Today it’s impossible to imagine the subjects of Madhubani paintings without the characters of “Ramayana”, whose fixed text is always associated with “the pure”, “Sanskrit”, “high” Hinduism. At the same time Madhubani has much more in common with the sacred tribal paintings, which are created as a part of non-brahmanical indigenous cults. The article considers the ideas of the Great and Little levels of Hindu tradition, and describes the factors that contributed to the “New Sanskritization” of the folk art of Mithila.


Hinduism, Mithila, Madhubani, folk art


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How to Cite

Воздиган, К. М. (2012). Folk Art “Madhubani” and Little Tradition of Hinduism. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Asian and African Studies, (3), 82–91. Retrieved from



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