Secondary education for girls in the Bedouin Society of Negev


  • Джамиль Абу-Аджадж St. Petersburg State University, 7-9, Universitetskaya nab., St. Petersburg, 199034, Russian Federation


Up to the recent times the Bedouin society of Negev, Israel, did not regard girls’ education as necessary due to the traditional view that girls in the traditional nomad society were seen as nothing but household servants. During transition to the sedentary life the economic relations have been changed in the society in general and in the family life in particular. As far as the Bedouin are included into Israeli society and adopted its principles, their attitude to children education has been changing. Gradually parents have been persuaded that girls have to study in schools, and now nearly all girls of the Bedouin milieu are gaining secondary education and many of them have access to the higher education at colleges and the Be’er-Sheva University. The process of integration of girls with special requirements into the educational system is going on slower, but even in this respect situation in the traditional society has signifi cantly changed.


Bedouin society, Negev, education for girls, modernisation


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How to Cite

Абу-Аджадж, Д. (2012). Secondary education for girls in the Bedouin Society of Negev. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Asian and African Studies, (1), 118–123. Retrieved from



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