The morphological structure of the simple form I verb in Standard Arabic


  • Ильнур Ренатович Зарипов St.Petersburg State University, 7-9, Universitetskaya nab., St.Petersburg, 199034, Russian Federation


The article deals with the functions of the consonants and vowels of the simple form I verb. The research is based on the works by the native and foreign scholars, and is carried out in the light of the comparative analysis of the three-consonantal verbs registered in the modern Arabic dictionary al-Munjid. It proves the word distinctive function of a vowel by the middle radical consonant in the verbs formed by the model fa‘ala, fa‘ila and fa‘ula.


morphological structure, simple form I verb, root, discontinuous morpheme, word distinctive function


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How to Cite

Зарипов, И. Р. (2012). The morphological structure of the simple form I verb in Standard Arabic. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Asian and African Studies, (1), 11–19. Retrieved from


