Manuscripts on linguistics from the collection of oriental manuscripts of A. K. Kazem-Beck


  • Юсиф Джамиль Яфиа St. Petersburg State University, 7-9, Universitetskaya nab., St. Petersburg, 199034, Russian Federation


Kazan University, a major center for the study of oriental languages in Russian Empire, transferred a huge collection of manuscripts to the library of St. Petersburg University . Most of this collection was from the collection of manuscripts which belonged to A. K. Kazem-beck — who was the professor in Kazan University, and later the first Dean of the Faculty of Oriental Languages University in St. Petersburg. In 1871, St.Petersburg State University additionally acquired some manuscripts from the collection of A. K. Kazem-beck. A lot of works have theological nature, however, there are also manuscripts devoted to linguistics, folklore, literature and history. Our attention was drawn by manuscripts from collection of A. K. Kazem-beck which are devoted to linguistics. This article is for reference purposes. The work is relevant, covers important topics in practical terms, it tries to systematize and describe some of the manuscripts in the library of the Faculty of Orient Studies. Refs 4. Figs 27.


manuscript, handwritten fund, written tradition, the Arabic language, linguistics


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How to Cite

Яфиа, Ю. Д. (2014). Manuscripts on linguistics from the collection of oriental manuscripts of A. K. Kazem-Beck. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Asian and African Studies, (3), 54–72. Retrieved from



History and source studies