Interior Vowels in Complete [ATR] Systems of the Macro-Sudan Belt




The paper presents a typological overview of interior vowels in complete [ATR] systems of the Macro-Sudan Belt. Interior vowels are defined as vowel qualities within the interior regions of the vowel space and include front rounded vowels, all non-low central vowels and unrounded non-low back vowels. Complete [ATR] systems are defined as those systems where there is a cross-height contrast for the feature [ATR] (advanced tongue root) for non-low peripheral vowels and cross-height harmony both in static patterns (vowel co-occurence restrictions within morphemes) and dynamic patterns (restrictions within phonological domains comprising several morphemes). The study based on the sample of 35 languages of the Macro-Sudan Belt revealed three main types of interiority — allophonic, phonemic and epenthetic. These types are not sporadically distributed in terms of genetic affiliation and areal spreading of the languages. At least three clusters may be identified in the sample: (1) the Eastern Kru languages spoken in the Ivory Coast with numerous phonemic interior vowels specified for [ATR], (2) the Talodi languages of Sudan with one neutral interior vowel and (3) the North Guang languages with centralised allophones of front vowels appearing in inter-consonantal position. The territory of Ghana and Togo occupied by North Guang languages also includes a number of languages from the sample which belong to other families and exhibit different types of interiority. This region appears to be particularly rich both in languages showing the co-occurrence of complete [ATR] systems with interior vowels and in interiority types. 


Macro-Sudan Belt, advanced tongue root, vowel harmony, complete [ATR] systems, central vowels, interior vowels


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How to Cite

Makeeva, N. V. (2024). Interior Vowels in Complete [ATR] Systems of the Macro-Sudan Belt. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Asian and African Studies, 16(1), 134–160.