Arabic-language Epigraphy of Mosques in Lezgin Villages of Akhty District of Dagestan (Inscriptions of 11th–18th Centuries)


  • Zamir Sh. Zakariyaev Dagestan State University, 43a, ul. M. Gadzhieva, Makhachkala, 367000, Russian Federation



The author of this article presents some results of the author’s study of the Arabic-language epigraphy of old Lezgin mosques in the Akhty District of the Republic of Dagestan. The mountainous Akhty District inhabited by Lezgins is located in the far south of Dagestan and Russian Federation, near the Main Caucasian ridge. The inscriptions of mosques are an important part of the district’s rich epigraphic heritage. The method of continuous study of epigraphic monuments made it possible to identify many Arabic-language inscriptions in different settlements, and also in abandoned rural settlements in hard-to-reach mountainous areas. The author considers not all epigraphic monuments of mosques, but only some of them. Many of them are introduced into scientific circulation for the first time. In addition, a new updated interpretation of some inscriptions already known to science is proposed. The translation of the inscriptions is accompanied by scientific commentary. Chronologically, the inscriptions cover the period from the 11th–12th centuries to the end of the 18th century. The epigraphy of this chronological period is found on the walls of only some villages in the Akhty District. A portion of the inscriptions considered are dated. To determine the time of undated inscriptions, the method of dating by paleographic features of writing is applied. In terms of genre, the epigraphic monuments of mosques consist of building and benevolent inscriptions, excerpts from Quranic Verse. The discovery of Kufic inscriptions from the 11th–12th centuries on the walls of mosques indicate that the most ancient mosques in the villages of the Akhty District have a millennial history. The geography of Kufic inscriptions found indicates the early spread of Islam even in the most remote and hard-to reach places in southern Dagestan. The location of the inscriptions, which for a long time were considered not preserved, has been established. Among them is the oldest dated building inscription in Arabic on the territory of Russia — from 563 AH (1167/68). After the establishment of rural communities in the Samur district of Dagestan in the beginning of the 17th century, the construction or repair of mosques was carried out, mostly either by the communities or by the representatives of the local Muslim elite.


Dagestan, Lezgins, Akhty District, Arabic-language epigraphy, mosques, Kufic inscriptions


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How to Cite

Zakariyaev, Z. S. (2022). Arabic-language Epigraphy of Mosques in Lezgin Villages of Akhty District of Dagestan (Inscriptions of 11th–18th Centuries). Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Asian and African Studies, 13(4), 542–568.



History and source studies