Psychotechnologies in the information wars: the anatomy of a publication about Vietnam


  • Владимир Николаевич Колотов St. Petersburg State University, 7–9, Universitetskaya nab., St. Petersburg, 199034, Russian Federation



Research is devoted to the analysis of the article ‘Vietnam Finds an Old Foe Has a New Allure’, which was published in the influential newspaper ‘The New York Times’ in 2000 and was soon translated to Russian. In this article the material is given in a special way that prompted the formation of a negative opinion about the regime in Vietnam. As a result of applying psychotechnologies after reading this article usual reader cannot arrive at a clear logical conclusion, but certain emotional “precipitate” nevertheless remains. Professionally prepared information thus forms a kind of “distorting mirror”, which greatly distorts perception of the world. In the course of the study it is concluded that the article published in the well-known newspaper encloses a psychoactive text, which contains predefined suggestions. In this paper are shown specific examples of psychotecnologies with contradictions, therapeutic metaphors and information phantoms used in the article.


propaganda, psychotechnologies, information phantoms, manipulation, informational wars, psychological warfare


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How to Cite

Колотов, В. Н. (2017). Psychotechnologies in the information wars: the anatomy of a publication about Vietnam. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Asian and African Studies, 9(1), 106–122. spbu13.2017.109



Foreign policy and international relations of Asia and Africa