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Author Guidelines

I. Submissions Principles


1.1. Manuscripts submitted for publication must be original and previously unpublished.

1.2. The recommended size of a submission is between 40–60,000 characters, including spaces.

1.3. Authors should submit their manuscripts by e-mail to the Editor of the Journal ( from their institutional e-mail addresses.

1.4. The Editorial Board will not consider the manuscripts submitted via:

— paper copies;

— USB flash drives, cd, dvd, or other types of data storage devices;

— e-mail addresses of third parties.

1.5. The decision to accept or reject a submission is taken by the editorial board of the journal after a process of review and discussion. The decision of the editorial board is recorded in the meeting’s minutes.

1.6. The submission will be refereed in accordance with our Referee and Review Policy.

1.7 The publishing is performed at no charge to the author.

1.8 All content is available on an open access basis.


II. Manuscript Guidelines


2.1. The main elements of a paper must include:

— a UDC (Universal Decimal Classification) index, which should reflect in detail the research area (see:;

— complete names of the author and co-authors with full information about places of employment, institutional affiliation and contact information (especially email) in Russian and English;

— the title of article in English;

— an abstract and keywords in English and in Russian (the volume of the abstracts should be about 200–250 words);

— references (references provided in oriental languages should be submitted also in Roman alphabet).


2.2. Quality guidelines:

— The Journal publishes articles that are scientifically sound and relevant to an international audience.

— The article makes a valuable contribution to existing knowledge and literature in terms of theory development, new data, new methodology etc.

— The abstract must be clear and provide an excellent, detailed summary of the article.

— The article must match aims, scope, subject domains and topical areas of the Journal.

— The article clearly defines the purpose and objective of the research; it must have clear and logic structure.

— The article embodies theoretical / conceptual framework, statement of the problem, literature review (a review of previous research in the treated area), methodology (if needed), and significance of the research.

— The article provides strong arguments which clearly lead to the statement of the results. Showing results support the applied methodology and conclusions. The conclusion is based and contributes to the discharge of treated problems.

— The article  should be compiled in the following order: title page; abstract; keywords; main text introduction, materials and methods, results, discussion; acknowledgments; references; appendices (as appropriate).

— Authors must obtain the necessary permission to reuse third-party material in their article. The use of short extracts of text and some other types of material is usually permitted, on a limited basis, for the purposes of criticism and review without securing formal permission. If the author wishes to include any material in his/her paper for which the author does not hold copyright, and which is not covered by this informal agreement, you written permission from the copyright owner will be needed to obtain prior to submission.

2.3. Text formatting:

— the manuscript should be prepared in an A4 paper size (210x297mm) and in a 1.5-spaced, 12-point Times New Roman font;

— margin sizes must be: right = 25 mm, left = 25 mm, top = 25 mm, bottom = 25 mm. Emphasis are marked by italic, bold italic, bold line. Underlined text is not preferred;

— all manuscripts are accepted only in the Rich Text Format (.rtf);

— if both electronic and paper versions of the same text are submitted, they must be identical unless they include a marked copy from a member of the editorial staff;

— the practice of correcting, adding, and in any way altering a manuscript after submission without the knowledge and consent of the editorial staff is unacceptable;

— all pages must be numbered on the right side of the page header;

— running titles are not accepted and will be removed.

2.4. Figures:

— figures should have titles and legends if necessary;

— all figures must be referred to in the text of the article;

— the word "Figure" and its serial number, the title and legends must be organised directly under the figure;

— figures must be numerated in Arabic numerals. If a submission has only one figure, it need not be numerated;

— drawings, graphs, charts and diagrams should be made in accordance with standards of the Unified System for Design Documentation (USDD). Figures should be presented by separate graphic images;

— figures should be prepared with adequate resolution (300 dpi minimum) and in one of the following formats: JPG or TIF with a RGB/grayscale (100 × 100 mm minimum). Dashed figures (drawings, graphs, charts, diagrams) should be submitted in a black-and-white AI, EPS or CDR format;

— legends in figures should be 9-point Times New Roman or Symbol. Greek symbols should be in plain text, Roman symbols should be in italics.

2.5. Tables:

— tables must be titled in a manner that sufficiently describes their contents and include a detailed legend immediately following the title;

— each column in a table should have a heading;

— the table should be placed directly after the paragraph which refers to it;

— tables with a large number of rows may jump to the subsequent page;

— column titles are recorded in parallel rows in the table according to convention. If necessary, they can be located perpendicularly to the column titles;

— the text format in tables should be 9-point Times New Roman or Symbol. Greek symbols should be in plain text and Roman in italics;

— tables are not required to be submitted in separate documents.

2.6. Footnotes and links.

Footnotes are located at the bottom of the page. The numeration is sequential throughout the text, by order of mention.

The text should be presented as: Perotti suggests that in all these examples γλαυκός means "brilliant"1.

At the bottom of the page: 1The epithet of sea γλαυκός we’ll leave without translation, as it is its meaning we’ll try to clarify in this paper.

2.7. References:

— the bibliography is to be placed after the text of the manuscript. Each item is to be numbered according to its first mention in the text;

— references are linked to the bibliography by an inline citation which consists of the number of the item in the bibliography placed in square brackets after the item cited. If the link leads to a specific page or pages of the citation, the number of the source in the bibliography and the page or pages of the source should be indicated. They are separated by commas:

The text should be presented as:

He then used this as a pretext for progressive development ‘for the reduction of poverty among the peasantry’ [10] or [10, p.81].

Examples of formalisation of references (according to GOST R 7.0.5-2008)

  1. Economics and politics of Russia and the CIS countries: the Analyt. Review. April. 2007 / Ros. Acad. Sciences, Institute of World Economy and Intern. relationships. M.: IWEIR, 2007. 39 p.
  2. Valukin M.E. Evolution of movements in men's classical dance. M.: GITIS, 2006. 251 p.
  3. Woks V.A., Gluhov V.P. Psycholinguistics: the theory of speech activity: book for students of pedagogical institutes. Moscow: AST, Tver: AST, 2006. 319 p. (High School).
  4. The content and technology of adult education: the problem of advanced education: scientific proceedings / Institute of Adult Education Ros. Acad. Education, ed. A.E. Maron. M.: JOB, 2007. 118 p.
  5. Efimova T.N., Kusakin A.V. Protection and sustainable use of wetlands in the Republic of Mari-El // Problems of regional ecology. 2007. N 1. P. 80-86.
  6. Bondarko L. Clinical aspects of retinolamina, oftalamina and other peptide bio-regulators: thesis of Dr. biol. Science. L., 1969. 127 p.
  7. Fedulina I., Lastovicka J. Effect of forbush decreases of cosmic ray flux on ozone at higher middle latitudes // Adv. Space Res. 2001. Vol. 27, N 12. P. 2003-2006.


If references have five or more authors they should be presented as:

  1. Thermodynamics of systems "ionic cross-linked polyelectrolyte water" / Krylov E.A., Rabinovich I.B., Faminskii L.A., Ivanov L.A., Petrov I.K. // Proc. of XIV Intern. Conf. of Chemical Thermodynamics. St. Petersburg, 2002. P. 176.


References may also cite electronic resources. References must be presented both for electronic resources in general (electronic documents, databases, portals, websites, web pages, forums, etc.), and for sections of electronic resources (sections and parts of electronic documents, portals, web sites, web pages, published in electronic serial publications, messages in forums, etc.); a stable link to the resource including, but not limited to, its Uniform Resource Locator (URL) is to be placed in parentheses after principal bibliographic data. This is followed by the indication of the day, month and year on which the electronic resource was used after the words ‘date accessed’:

  1. Chliyants D. Creating a TV // QRZ.RU: Russian radio server. 2004. URL: (date accessed: 21.02.2006).
  2. Animal Encyclopedia of Cyril and Methodius. M.: Cyril and Methodius: New media generation, 2006. 1st electron. wholesale. Disc (DVD-ROM).
  3. Parinov S.I., Lyapunov V.M., Puzyrev R.L. Socionet as a platform for the development of scientific information resources and online services // Electron. libraries. 2003. V. 6, no. 1. URL: (date accessed: 25.11.2006).


The “Reference” list should provide complete bibliographical information for each source, including indication of language for non-English editions, (e.g. (In Russian)).

References and citations to literature in Arabic, Chinese and other languages not employing Cyrillic or Roman writing systems the following rules are applied:


Roman transliteratioi is used for:

- author's name

-  title of the journa/ edition/ collection

- editor's name

- publishing house's name (with addition of Publ. in English)


English translation is used for:

- work's title

- publishing place

- volume or number of edition (Vol. or no)

- year of edition

- full page number

- work's languare (in brackets)

2.8. Manuscript submission format.

2.8.1. Authors should submit their manuscripts by e-mail to the Editor of the Journal ( from their institutional e-mail addresses. The file title is the name of the first author + "Art." For example, "Ivanov Art.rtf.”

2.8.2. The abstract and keywords should be submitted in Russian and English by e-mail to the Editor of the Journal ( from their institutional e-mail addresses in a single file. File title is the name of the first author + "Abs". For example, "Ivanov Abs.rtf."

2.8.3. Figures should also be submitted by e-mail to the Editor of the Journal ( from their institutional e-mail addresses. One file for each figure in JPG, TIF (for grayscale images) or AI, FH *, CDR, EPS (for vector images) formats. The file title is the name of the first author + "Fig". For example, "Ivanov Figure 1.jpg”, “Ivanov Figure 2.eps”, “Ivanov Figure”.

2.8.4. Fonts should be enclosed to the manuscript too.

2.8.5. Authors information (full name, work place, scientific degrees, e-mail, phone number with area and country code) also should be submitted in a single file. Where available, ORCiDs should be also included. File title is the name of the first author + "Inf." For example, "Ivanov Inf.rtf."

2.8.6 A co-author is any person who has made a significant contribution to a journal article. They also share responsibility and accountability for the results. If more than one author writes an article, the authors should choose one person to be the corresponding author. This person will handle all correspondence about the article. The corresponding author is responsible for ensuring that all the authors’ contact details are correct. All authors should agree on the order in which their names will appear in the article and sign the publishing agreement.

If someone is a named co-author, this means that he/she:

  • Made a significant contribution to the work reported, whether that’s in the research conception or design, acquisition of data, analysis and interpretation, or in all these areas.
  • Have drafted, written, or revised the article.
  • Reviewed and agreed the final version of the article before submission.
  • Have agreed on the journal to which your article will be submitted.
  • Are aware that you are taking responsibility and accountability for the content of the article.
  • Are aware that the corresponding author will be acting on your behalf in any communication about the article, through submission, peer review, production, and after publication.
  • Share responsibility with all named co-authors if your article is found to be unsafe, in error, in some way fraudulent, or in breach of the publishing agreement.

2.8.7 Funding details should be provided as follows:

For single agency grants

This work was supported by the [Funding Agency] under Grant [number xxxx].

For multiple agency grants

This work was supported by the [Funding Agency #1] under Grant [number xxxx]; [Funding Agency #2] under Grant [number xxxx]; and [Funding Agency #3] under Grant [number xxxx].

Publication Charges

There are no submission fees, publication fees or page charges for this journal.

Open Access

This journal gives authors the option to publish open access, making it free to access online immediately on publication.

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"Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Asian and African Studies" provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available contributes to a greater global exchange of knowledge.

License Agreement (one author)

License Agreement (several authors)

License Agreement (several authors, in two languages)


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