The Russian people in Buryat legends


  • Любовь Цыдыповна Малзурова Buryat State University


The article analyzes the Buryat historical legends about the Russian people who played an important role in the history of Buryats, such as Alexey Shergin, Fedor Golovin, Sawa Raguzinsky Ivan Pokhabov whose activities are highly appreciated by the Buryat people. These stories overview the difficult time of the Buryats annexation into the Russian State and reflect such historic events as the Buryat delegation paying visit to Peter the Great, defining the eastern border, the forced Christianization of Buryats. The article highlights the traits of the similar stories about a land of a “bull skin” size and the motives of forced Christianization of people of other religions by the Russians in the Bashkir and Buryat legends.


the legends, the eastern Border, the Trip to the Capital, Christianization of Buryats, the Role of Russians


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How to Cite

Малзурова, Л. Ц. (2011). The Russian people in Buryat legends. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Asian and African Studies, (1), 3–8. Retrieved from



Russia and Asia