The Millet system’s formation in the Ottoman Empire


  • Анаит Завеновна Карташян St. Petersburg State University, 7-9, Universitetskaya nab., St. Petersburg, 199034, Russian Federation


This paper focuses on the analysis of the Millet system’s political role in the Ottoman Empire. The research on non-Muslim subject’s history is an important link in the chain of the Ottoman Empire history. The millets had a cultural, social and political function, as well as obvious spiritual role. It may be defined as a political organization within the Ottoman administration, accepting sultan’s absolute power, granted to the non-Muslims a right of self-management in their community affairs. However, there was a frequent state intrusion into the millets’ affairs. The head or millet bashi was elected by the millet but had to receive the confirmation of the Sultans. So, it became easy for the state to intervene in the elections of the more important millets. The Millet system could have been a proper and good solution of non-Muslims’ problems in the Ottoman Empire, but it didn’t work very well. İt became a very important instrument of the foreign powers to gain the advantages from the Sublime Porte. Refs 36.


the Ottoman Empire, the Millet system, the Armenian millet, Armenian Patriarchate of Constantinople, Tanzimat


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How to Cite

Карташян, А. З. (2013). The Millet system’s formation in the Ottoman Empire. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Asian and African Studies, (4), 85–93. Retrieved from



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