Ethiopian sacral painting: problems of periodization


  • Валерия Николаевна Семенова Peter the Great Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography (Kunstkamera) RAS, 3, Universitetskaya nab., St. Petersburg, 199034, Russian Federation


Evolution of the religious art reflects history of Ethiopian Christian state, indicates the problems of relations with Middle East in 4–9 cent. AD and with Western Europe (15–17 cent. AD). It seems to be of current interest due to lack of writing sources. Miniature, icon, monumental painting demonstrates the influences of Venetian art, gothic style, and Arabic ornamentation. Adaptation of Christian culture by local tradition formed some original icon style, evolution of which was chosen as a main concern of this article. The article provides an overview of various attempts of the periodization, which have recently been published. As a starting point of this review a periodiazation of the French researcher J. Mercier was preferred to the others because of its innovative and even debatable character. As for the Aksum and Postaksum period of the Ethiopian art history the situation is clear, whereas the dating and the stylistic recognition of the latter periods have remained open. But from the Mercier point of view, the Ethiopian art history is represented as a single whole The Era of David (1382–1478) is replaced by the Era of Opposites between local tradition and foreign influences. After the Muslim invasion and conflicts with Jesuits (1530–1632) the researcher speaks about stylistic and iconographic renewal resulted in so-called Gondar art styles (1660–1720). The cultural break between these two periods is characterized by the lack of art objects (icons, books, churches). So any conclusions need to be proved. The 18th century is regarded as a transition to the modern church painting and secular art of the 20th cent. The painting collection of the Russian doctor A. I. Kohanovsky kept at the Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography (Kunstkamera) confirm the position of J. Mercier who spoke about new iconographic representations and forms developed by local artists during 19th and 20th cent.


Ethiopian religious art, icon, image, iconography, style


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How to Cite

Семенова, В. Н. (2013). Ethiopian sacral painting: problems of periodization. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Asian and African Studies, (2), 100–110. Retrieved from



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