“Protective formula” in Assyrian Royal Inscriptions of the II-nd mill. BC


  • Анастасия Олеговна Москалёва St. Petersburg State University, 7-9, Universitetskaya nab., St. Petersburg, 199034, Russian Federation


Royal Inscriptions represent rich historical and literature material. This type of monuments in various forms existed almost everywhere in the Ancient Middle East, however it was most widely presented in cuneiform written monuments. Studying of structure and content of Royal Inscriptions allows to expand understanding the purpose of these texts. The evolution of Royal Inscriptions was a reflection of the ideological changes in the state, as the development of this genre proceeded in parallel to the establishment and strengthening of king’s power in Assyria. Royal Inscriptions contain information on the military and building activity of the ruler. Probably for this reason for the majority of the researchers the main objectives were: first, Military Part, which described certain historical facts, that allowed to reconstruct the history of foreign policy of the state including the main directions of military campaigns; and, second, Building Part, which helped identify palaces and temples found by archeologists. The particular interest of researchers was caused by the Introduction, containing titles and genealogy of the ruler. The article is devoted to the final part of the text of Royal Inscriptions of Assyrian rulers in the II-nd mill. BC, that is ≪Protective formula≫. This part has not so far been examined in detail. The conclusion of such inscriptions normally contains some instructions to the descendants about the proper behavior in relation to the monument and inscription, and it also contains curses for non-compliance with these instructions. Protective Formula seems to be an independent object of the researches. The article consideres the main stages of development of Protective Formula. The investigation is supported by a large number of examples from Assyrian Royal Inscriptions. The author demonstrates the attitude of Assyrian rulers to the warnings contained in Protective Formula, thorough implementations of its mandates and rare cases of their violation. A detailed study of Protective Formula allows to gain a variety of valuable information on history, ideology, culture and religion of Assyria of the II-nd mill. BC.


Assyria, royal inscriptions, protective formula, structure of royal inscriptions


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How to Cite

Москалёва, А. О. (2013). “Protective formula” in Assyrian Royal Inscriptions of the II-nd mill. BC. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Asian and African Studies, (2), 89–99. Retrieved from https://aasjournal.spbu.ru/article/view/2237



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